How Ark's governance works
Every school in the Ark network is the legal responsibility of the Ark Schools Board. This board focuses on statutory duties and delegates most day-to-day responsibilities to each school’s individual Local Governing Body (LGB).
This means that our Academy's governors are able to concentrate on the things that really matter – educational strategy, school outcomes and aspiration.
The Ark Schools Decision Making Framework outlines where responsibility and accountability sits for the key functional areas within Ark Schools between the ‘tiers’ of governance.
Our Local Governing Body
Our Local Governing Body (LGB) is made up of 6-10 members – usually people with a local connection or interest who are committed to supporting educational opportunity in the area. The board generally includes:
- Academy Principal
- Up to two Parent Governors
- One Teaching Staff Governor
- One Non-teaching Staff Governor
- One Local Authority representative
We aim to create a balanced group that will have the right skills, connections and dynamic for the LGB to work well and support the school in achieving exceptional performance. Attributes we look for include:
- Good insight into the specific challenges at the school and the general challenges of operating top-quality schools
- Excellent community links
- Specific skills as needed by/relevant to the school
- A link to the senior executive team of Ark Schools
All appointments are made by the Director of Governance for Ark Schools. The term of a governor is three years, except for the Principal, who remains a governor for the duration of his or her time in post. Governors may be reappointed for further terms.
The LGB meets four times a year.
Becoming a governor
If you have an interest and commitment to improving education, and would like to make a difference within your community, please register your interest in becoming a governor by completing our online Governor Application Form. If you have any questions about a governor’s role or responsibilities please contact us at
A full programme of induction, training and support is provided. You can see more information, including role specifications here.
Contacting the governors
The Regional Governance Officer is Charles Shaw ( Please contact them if you have any governance-related queries, or would like to contact one of the governors.
Our Governors

Natasha Tewkesbury
I live in Hastings and have two daughters, both of whom attend Ark schools. I currently work as Head of Community and Regulatory Services for Hastings Borough Council. I am passionate about improving the lives of our residents and children through the provision of good education, particularly in a town such as Hastings that has lots of challenges. I have been a governor for a number of years, now chair and believe that as a governor can offer both support and challenge to aid the improvement and development of the academies for all pupils.

Amie Barr
Amie is Ark's Head of Assessment Systems & Data. Prior to this she was Network Vice-Principal for Mathematics, and the Ark Network Lead in maths for a year. Before joining Ark she worked in a variety of Maths related roles for Harris Academies as well as being a Maths Teacher and Head of Post-16 Maths at Lord Williams School in Thame. Amie has a first degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Bristol and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from Oxford University.

Holly Woods
I have taught in a special needs school in Hastings for the last 15 years. As part of my role, I work closely with many mainstream schools across the county to ensure appropriate provision is required for children with behavioural difficulties or a diagnosed SEN. I have 3 children who all have been educated in Ark schools, primary and secondary. I have witnessed and been part of the change to an academy and understands the strengths and areas of development needed in his process.
Satchi Mahendran
Satchi is a public policy expert, having held a number of roles in local and national government. This has included positions in the Department for Education, Ofsted, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and 10 Downing Street. He is passionate about contributing to the community in Hastings and believes that our children deserve the best possible education, which he will seek to support the academies to deliver as a governor.
Natalie Rankin
Natalie is a Governor on the Ark Hastings Primary Academies LGB by virtue of her role as Principal of Ark Blacklands Academy
Kate Woolley
Kate is a Governor on the Ark Hastings Primary Academies LGB by virtue of her role as Principal of Ark Little Ridge Primary Academy.
Mary Quinn
Mary is a Governor on the Ark Hastings Primary Academies LGB by virtue of her role as Head of School at Ark Blacklands Primary Academy