Ordering and payments
A vegetarian option is always available and the kitchen is usually able to cater for special dietary/medical needs if given advance notice – please contact the school office so we can help you organise this if necessary.
Lunches are provided free of charge for children in Reception to Year Two as well as those families eligible for Free School Meals. Otherwise, a school meal will cost £2.60 per day and needs to be booked and paid for in advance using iPayimpact.
Packed lunches
Ark Castledown Primary Academy is committed to healthy eating and in order to promote a healthy lifestyle we ask that pupils do not bring chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks or other ‘fast food’ into school.
We believe in encouraging our children to eat healthily. Therefore, anyone who wishes to bring a snack of fruit or raw vegetables may do so. The children in reception class and years 1 and 2 will be provided with a snack (a piece of fruit) as a part of their daily routine.
Access to drinking water
Mild dehydration is one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. The pupils can access free, clean drinking water in school. Ark Castledown Primary Academy water bottles are available to purchase at the office for £2.20. For hygiene reasons, they should be taken home at the end of each day for cleaning, and returned to school with fresh water. There will be opportunities during the school day for pupils to replenish their water bottles as required. Please note that only water may be given to children to drink during the school day. Parents can provide a healthy alternative to water within packed lunches, such as fruit juice.
Breakfast club
Ark Castledown runs a breakfast club from 7.45am – 8.45am during term-time (apart from INSET days). Children are offered a range of activities and are given a breakfast consisting of cereal, toast or crumpet and milk or juice. The club is run by trained members of staff who supervise the children at all times.
Places at the club should be booked in advance (although we will do all that we can to try and accommodate you at short notice in an emergency situation). Booking forms can be obtained here or from the office. Each session costs £2.00.
Applying for free school meals
You may be entitled to free school meals if your household income is less than £16,000.
In order to determine if you are eligible and to apply please click here.