Pupil voice is about developing a culture in school where all children have a voice and the opportunity to play an active role in decisions that affect their learning and well-being.
Aims of our pupil voice:
- Greater inclusive community, where pupils are supported and encouraged to participate
- To provide the opportunity for children to hold positions of responsibility and to ensure impact
- To give children experience of applying for roles and being interviewed (linking to the Careers component of the Personal Development curriculum)
School Council
Everyone’s opinions and views matter at Ark Castledown Academy. The purpose of our School Council is to encourage pupils to get involved in the issues which concern them and give pupils a greater voice in what happens in and around the academy. Two council members are elected by their peers from each class and these representatives discuss matters raised at termly Council meetings.
Our Head of School, Miss Stewart, sets the School Council missions such as "what can we do to make reading at home easier and more enjoyable?", 'find out what charities their classmates would like to support', and 'how can rubbish waste can be reduced'. This year Council members have helped create 'Craze of the Week' to enrich playtimes, raised money to sponsor a Guide Dog and organised a Reindeer Run to support Chestnut Tree House children's hospice.
School Prefects
Children in Year Six are invited to apply to be School Prefects. Applications are in the form of a letter to the Headteacher followed by an interview. Prefects take on a variety of roles and responsibilities, such as, modelling to other children how to behave well, helping to set up for assemblies and showing visitors around the school.